“Worship the LORD with gladness; come into his presence with singing.”   Psalm 100:2


Worship is central to the life and mission of Saint Andrew.  Weekly, we gather in worship to recall, proclaim, and participate in the mystery of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.  When we worship, we gather through the rhythm of the liturgy—where we are united in celebration, engage God’s Word in thoughtful conversation, are strengthened in the sacraments, and are sent out, empowered for mission in daily life.

While worship at Saint Andrew is traditional and liturgical, it has a contemporary style that provides a blended worship experience for people of all ages. Music at Saint Andrew is a servant of the gospel.  Led by the piano, the primary resource for liturgies and hymns is the “cranberry hymnal,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship.  The hymns sung by the congregation in worship proclaim God’s Word with one common voice.  Choral anthems and other special music are also shared to enhance and convey the depth of the gospel message.

The readings from scripture are at the heart of worship—and are based on the Revised Common Lectionary and the Liturgical Calendar, which weave together the seasons of the year with the story of Christ’s birth (Christmas) and his passion (Holy Week and Easter).  In between those two primary celebrations, the church celebrates the season of Pentecost, a time of growing and learning.

Almost every time we gather in worship, the sacrament of Holy Communion is shared.  Lutherans believe that Holy Communion is a “means of grace,” which conveys the saving acts of God through Word, bread and wine.  Through this sacrament, we are connected with Christ and Christians of all times and places, fed with the body and blood of Christ, and assured of God’s mercy.  At Saint Andrew we celebrate an “open table,” believing that all are welcome to commune at Christ’s table.

Certain occasions in the life a Christian call for special worship services and rituals.  To learn more about baptisms, weddings, and funerals, explore the dropdown menu under the worship tab.


Wednesday 12:15pm Starting September 13th

Sunday 9:00am

You will find the live-stream at www.facebook.com/salcwausau.

At this time a Facebook account is required to play the video. In the event you cannot make one of the above times, the services will be saved to view them at a later time.


Through the sacrament of Holy Baptism, infants are washed into the family of God and made members of the church, the Body of Christ.  At Saint Andrew, children are welcome to fully participate in all that we do – most especially in worship. The voice of a toddler or a cry of an infant are common noises and enhance the authenticity of our worship together.

We also recognize that it can be a challenge for parents to guide a child through worship when they are busy growing, developing, and observing – and that children may become restless.  To assist families, several resources are available. Worship Bags are located in the narthex by the information desk and include a variety of activities to engage children in faith development.  Likewise, a nursery is available to assist parents in providing a safe place for play and fellowship.


“O Sing to the LORD a new song; Sing to the LORD, all the Earth.” Psalm 96:1

The Chancel Choir shares choral offerings during weekly worship services and enriches worship for special occasions in the life of the church including Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas.  Rehearsals take place most Wednesday evenings, September through May, from 6:30-8:00 pm.

The Hand Bell Choir shares anthems with a four-octave set of bells during worship services and special worship services and rehearses on Wednesday evenings, September through May, from 5:15-6:15 pm.