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Soup To Go Pickup | 11:30-5:30pm

Saint Andrew 150202 County Rd. NN, Wausau, WI, United States

Pick up your soup between 11:30 am and 5:30 pm, at the time you registered for. When picking up your soup, enter through the main door (near the bell tower) and follow the signs to the Fellowship Hall, where volunteers will assist you. If you requested curbside pick-up, please pull up to the north entrance (near the Chapel) and call the number listed on the sign to let the volunteers know you have arrived. They will meet you at your car with your order

Church Council Meeting | 6:30pm

Saint Andrew | Activity Room 150202 County Rd. NN, Wausau, WI, United States

All are welcome to attend the Church Council meetings to learn and understand who your church works!


Ministry Night | 6:30pm

Saint Andrew | Fellowship Hall 150202 County Rd. NN, Wausau, WI, United States

Ministry Night is an evening where our various ministries gather to connect, collaborate, and coordinate programs and activities at Saint Andrew. If a ministry is meeting some other night of the month, they will have a representative available to share and collect information relevant to the various ministries. If you are interested in serving your church, no better way to start than to come to a Ministry Night. The meetings begin and end in the Sanctuary. For more information who you have get involved please call out church office 715-842-3333.

Easter Breakfast | 7:00-9:30am

Saint Andrew | Fellowship Hall 150202 County Rd. NN, Wausau, WI, United States

Enjoy a traditional Easter breakfast at Saint Andrew: eggs, ham, potatoes, fresh fruit, muffins, and rolls.

Easter Worship – 8:00am

Saint Andrew | Sanctuary 150202 County Rd. NN, Wausau, WI, United States

Christ has risen! He has risen indeed!Join us for worship this morning as we take time to restore and refresh in the Word of Christ. You will find a worship bulletin on and on